Extremely Matted Dog Who Was Afraid Of Touch Transforms Into A Beautiful Ball Of Fur

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There have been more and more cases of abandonment, neglect, and even abuse of dogs recently.

The shelters are full, and you can occasionally come across dogs in various physical states on the streets.

But, imagine how neglected the dog must be when it is difficult to realize that he is actually a dog when you see him on the street. That is just another level.

The hero of today’s story was in exactly that condition: a four-year-old dog that was so overgrown that he looked more like a sheep.

But, he overcame it all.


Their First New Year Rescue


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On January 3, 2022, Barking Mad Dog Rescue wrote in their Facebook post that they had their first New Year’s rescue. They found an extremely matted dog wandering around BMDR, and everyone there was pretty shocked when they first saw him.


“The shelter is quite remote, so we believe someone left him there for us to find. We don’t know where he came from or how he came to be in such a terrible condition,” Hayley, the adoption team leader at BMDR, told The Dodo.

He was so matted that, at first, it was hard to tell he was a dog. What was even worse was the fact that his emotional condition was quite bad as well.



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“He was VERY scared and didn’t want to be touched or handled,” Hayley said.

However, the shelter staff, led by Haley, was determined to help Barney, as they later named him, and get him back on track.

Shedding The Weight Off Of The Poor Guy


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One of the shelter employees, Aura, managed to gain at least a little bit of his trust, which other employees and volunteers weren’t able to achieve.

She managed to trim some of the hair covering his eyes, but unfortunately, he was too terrified and sore for a proper haircut.


Although his heaviest burden had been lifted from his back, Barney still had a long way to go to full recovery.

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