istočnjačka mudrost, život, radost, duša, tijelo

Ponekad dođe trenutak kada ne znate šta dalje da radite i kako uopšte da živite ovaj život. Razumete da nešto treba promeniti, ali ne znate šta i kako. Dođe trenutak kada počnete da tražite mudar savet. A gde se krije više mudrosti nego u istočnjačkim učenjima?

Oriental medicine advice is always simple, but at the same time filled with great wisdom. They answer the question of how to improve the state of body and soul. And “Dnevni Magazin” will share them with you today.



    1. Smile
      As often as possible. When you have no strength and no reason to smile, just look at the world around you. It is beautiful and full of beauty, it just needs to be taken into account.
      A smile is the best medicine for all diseases. When a person is sad or nervous, their organs begin to secrete poisons, according to oriental medicine. But when a person smiles, makes the world around him happy, the body heals itself. It is difficult to maintain inner peace when there are troubles in life, but here it is important to develop a correct view of things.

      Constant stress, failure put pressure on a person. There is no doubt that something needs to be done about this pressure. Eastern sages advise to do nothing. The only thing you need to do is prevent the problem from consuming you. And for this you should look at the world with a smile. Thanks to this, life changes for the better. Let love and peace into your soul, smile as often as possible, then all your problems may not disappear at all, but they will stop weighing you down.

    2. They talk less.
      Idle chatter takes away energy and strength. Eastern medicine advises to be careful what you say. Words have their value only when they are spoken in the right way. Otherwise, they are empty, unnecessary words.

    1. Worry less
      Easier said than done, but still. You should not constantly think and think about the past and the future. You yourself create confusion in your soul, finding unnecessary reasons to worry. Learn to focus on what is happening now. Replace experience with concentration, then life will become easier.
    2. Develop your mind
      In many Eastern countries, “mind” and “heart” are expressed in one word. Eastern wisdom says that as soon as you stop worrying about your ambitions and start developing your heart, you will be free from illness. Let your thoughts go, clear your thoughts, then everything will change. This is best done through meditation.

    1. Keep your head cool and your feet warm
      You’ve probably heard this rule more than once. You have to stick to it. Thanks to this, you can get rid of the accumulation of excess energy in the head, which causes pressure problems. This energy is best focused on the legs. Keeping your feet warm can prevent a heart attack. So, massage your feet, warm them up and get into the habit of going to bed in socks.
    2. Change your diet
      In oriental medicine, body and spirit are inextricably linked. Therefore, you should take care of one and the other equally. Proper nutrition is necessary to take care of the body. One of the main rules of Oriental medicine regarding food is not to overeat. It takes a lot of energy to digest food. Eastern sages believe that gluttony shortens life. They advise getting up from the table just before you feel full.
      After a meal, it is best to take a walk in the fresh air to help the body digest the food. Oriental medicine also advises that you consider switching to vegetarianism.

  1. Treat your diseases
    “How many years the disease has been acquired, how many years it takes to be treated”, this is what oriental medicine says. You should never stop treatment, drop it halfway. Your patience will be rewarded and your efforts crowned with success. But you should also not be zealous with treatment, because even the most useful drugs can turn into poison if misused.
  2. Exercise in moderation
    Everything should be in moderation, not only something harmful, but also everything useful. Excessive walking can damage ligaments, and sitting can damage muscles. Sadness, deep sadness, regret and apathy are harmful, as is too much joy. Anything in excess is harmful.
  3. Rejoice
    Rejoice and keep your vital energy. More joy means more Chi energy. Negative emotions block the flow of chi. Do not let your vital energy disappear, replenish your reserves. An overactive and promiscuous love life can deplete energy reserves. In addition, it is worth refraining from morning conversations, they take away strength.
  4. Track your health depending on the season
    The season also affects our life cycle. In winter, keep your feet warm and your head cool. But in spring and summer, let your feet feel cool. When you are sick, do not drink cold water, because it destroys the heart and stomach. In spring and summer, sleep with your head to the east, and in autumn and winter to the west.

Today we live a kind of hectic life. Constant stress and fatigue are already starting to become a habit. But you can’t live with it, it is very important to break this vicious circle, break out of it and start a new life. Oriental tips are simple. If you follow them, you will see how your life changes for the better, your soul is filled with joy, and your body with cheerfulness.

Smile, live easy, enjoy every moment of life, because this is a priceless gift that you received once. Don’t miss the chance to go your own way as you wish. Find yourself and find your happiness!

Good advice, isn’t it? Write in the comments what you think!

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